For the launch of Cuphead on the Nintendo Switch, our mission was to develop a comprehensive go-to-market strategy paired with an innovative creative campaign. Our goal was to not only enhance the brand's visibility but also to drive significant increases in downloads for these rapidly rising characters.
My team took the lead on crafting the digital and social media components, as well as the campaign’s written content, ensuring that every element resonated with both longtime fans and new players. We focused on capturing the unique charm and challenging gameplay of Cuphead, creating a campaign that stood out in the crowded gaming landscape.
Run & Gun!
We had to keep the artistic integrity of the game, but remember to remain legible on the small screens of the Nintendo Switch and Mobile devices.
Experience the thrill of gaming anytime, anywhere with the portable excitement of 'Gun on the Run'! Bringing Cuphead to the Nintendo Switch has been a heavenly pairing, a flawless fusion of fun and flexibility.